Welcome to Open GOOP Development Suite

This repository is for a fully open source version of GOOP Development Suite.
This tool will make you more productive when creating and maintaining LabVIEW classes. In addition, it will help you create and maintain reference based classes using different class templates.

To get started, download a pre-compiled version for your LabVIEW version below. After unzipping it either run the (fast installation), or run the vip file using JKI’s VI Package Manager.

For more info and videos check out the community page

Here is the help file (a bit old and we’re working on updating it):

If you want to contribute, clone it from GitHub here:

You can find build releases here:

How to get started: You need to clone the Repository into your LabVIEW20XX folder. Currently the Master branch is in LabVIEW 2016, DQMH is in LabVIEW 2016, LV2020 in in LabVIEW 2020 To do this you can clone it into a temporary directory and then copy this into the LabVIEW-folder. In Windows:

git clone -b LV2020 c:\LabVIEW2020-temp
xcopy "C:\labview2020-temp" "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2020" /H /Y /R /S